THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS Rock Island, Illinois, U.S.A. 24 April 1929 (page 6)
France has expelled from her shores the blackest villain of the World war. When Aleister Crowley was given orders to leave France within 24 hours, the French government was taking cognizance of villainies of the man whose activities in war time yielded bitter fruit. He it was who invented the tales of mutilation of women, murders of babes and the drinking of their blood by German soldiers. He boasted that his propaganda in the United States was designed to lead to the sinking of American ships by German was vessels with a view to dragging the United States into the war. Crowley has made statements that, while in the British intelligence service, he was an expert double crosser and it was difficult to discover for what government he was working. It is his boasting of his misdeeds that has brought on him this order to leave France. No country should receive him and his fate should be that of “the man without a country.” |