THE CIVIL AND MILITARY GAZETTE Lahore, Pakistan 24 July 1929 (page 2)
—Man of Black Magic—
One of the most interesting and talked of men in Europe is at present in London, a city he has not visited for some years. He is Aleister Crowley, famed for his knowledge and reputed practice of black magic, who was asked to leave France two months ago.
Aleister Crowley has an amazing appearance, and eyes which, when you first look into them, are literally terrifying. He has been branded in many countries and is proud to show, with some amusement, a newspaper cutting concerning himself and headed “The Human Beast.”
But the stories about him have been exaggerated to a ridiculous extent. Actually he is a very brilliant and interesting man, who has traveled all over the world observing religious practices and philosophy. He has been in the most remote places, like the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, and was once a great mountaineer.
Crowley, who is exceptionally witty, is publishing a volume of his short stories [The Stratagem and Other Stories] and they will probably be followed by his memoirs [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. The latter, dealing largely with the practice of magic arts, are unique and enormously long. |