THE DUNDEE EVENING TELEGRAPH Dundee, Angus, Scotland 20 August 1929 (page 4)
English Mystic Writer Weds.
Mr. Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley, the English mystic writer, has been married at Leipzig to Mlle. Maria Theresa Ferrari de Miramar, who is a native of Nicaragua.
The marriage ceremony was performed in the presence of the British Counsul.
Mr. Aleister Crowley was recently refused the right to stay in France. He stated that his fiancée had also been forced to leave France.
Mr. Crowley was born at Leamington 53 years ago, and was educated at Malvern and Trinity College, Cambridge. He had been through China on foot, has been received by the sacred lamas at Thibet, and has reached other remote places such as the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.
He came into prominence in London in 1911 when his picture was painted by Augustus John. During the war he went to America and participated in German counter-espionage, declaring that he did this at the request of the British Naval Intelligence Department. |