Leeds, Yorkshire, England

7 February 1930

(page 8)







The resignation of the coaches of the University Boat Club is apparently causing a great stir in Oxford. Stoke, No. 7 and bow are the one topic of conversation in certain circles; but, however it may be decided, one thing seems certain, that Professor Garstang’s son, a rower like his father, has just missed a place in the University boat, which is bad luck. Music this term includes a Lener quartette concert next week and a recital by Schnabel. Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies is playing Lady Macbeth in the O.U.D.S. production next week. Phyllis Neilson-Terry and Sybil Thorndike were mentioned at one time. Mr. Brewster Morgan, one of the many bright Americans who are up at Oxford, is producing, as he did “Othello” last year. In non-athletic circles, there is a stir equal to that of the boat crises over the ban which the Vice-Chancellor has placed on the University Poetry Society’s advertised lecture, at which Mr. Alister [sic] Crowley was to have spoken on mediaeval magicians. Mr. Crowley was exiled last year from Paris because his opinions were thought to be influential and corrupt.