London, England

28 September 1930

(page 1)




English Writer Reported

Missing in Portugal.



LISBON, Saturday.


The disappearance in Portugal of an English writer named Mr. Alistair Crowley is reported in a Lisbon paper.


A letter, said to be from Mr. Crowley but signed with what is described as a “mysterious signature,” was found at Cascaes, a village at the mouth of the Tagus, about 23 miles from Lisbon, on the rocks “Boca Inferno.”


It was addressed, the newspaper adds, to a woman who recently occupied a suite at a Lisbon hotel.—B.U.P.


It is not clear from the above message whether the person referred to is Mr. Aleister Crowley, an English writer of verse, who for many years past has been known as the head of a mystical cult, whose rites resemble those of the followers of “Black Magic.”