15 October 1930




"Spirit Revelations" to a London Medium. 'PUSHED OVER CLIFF'



(From Our Own Correspondent.) LONDON, Wednesday.


In a small, dimly-lighted room in Bloomsbury, last night, Mr. A. V. Peters, a London medium, went into a trance in order to obtain some indication as to the whereabouts of Mr. Aleister Crowley, writer and student of magic.


Mr. Crowley, whose proposed lecture on "A Medieval Magician" was banned in Oxford in February, has not been heard of since a note from him was found on the rocks called Boca do Inferno (Mouth of Hell), about 23 miles from Lisbon a fortnight ago.


"By an Agent of Rome."


Mr. Peters stated that while in the trance it was indicated that Mr. Crowley was dead, and that he "had been pushed over the cliff by an agent of the Roman Catholic Church."


"Catholics had made attempts on Mr. Crowley's life before," Mr. Peters stated, "and he was expecting to be attacked."


The place was described as being "round like a crate of a volcano," and Mr. Peters added that it was "in the mountains, near water."


A considerable part of the séance consisted of personal details as to Mr. Crowley's appearance, occupations, and health, for the purpose of verification.