THE EVENING DESPATCH Birmingham, Warwickshire, England 22 September 1932 (page 7)
“Indecent, Ignorant and Vulgar” Epithets
In the Vacation Court to-day Mr. Justice Lawrence had before him a motion to restrain the further publication of a book entitled “Laughing Torso,” by Nina Hamnett (published by Constable and Co.).
Mr. E. A. Crowley, who writes under the style of Aleister Crowley, complained of passages in the book, “And in particular,” said counsel, “of passages which I’ve not the slightest intention of reading in this court unless obliged to do so.
“There isn’t a word of truth in what is written. It is indecent, vulgar, and ignorant.”
“I’m instructed that this book has some vogue,” added Mr. Gallop. “Apparently there are people who find it interesting. The sale of the first edition has been exhausted or is in the process of exhaustion and apparently there is in contemplation a second edition.
Mr. Upjohn, for the publishers and printers of the book, said that within 10 minutes of their being served with the writ and the notice of motion Constable and Co. suspended its publication.
He would undertake not to continue publication until further order, and he hoped that the matter might be disposed of without further troubling the court.
He was instructed that it had not been proposed to issue a second edition.
Mr. Justice Lawrence said that on the undertaking the matter would stand over until 5 October. |