THE DAILY MIRROR London, England 6 October 1932 (page 2)
Strange Case of Man Who Took Too Many Sips.
Secrets of a magical elixir by which the old can be made young again, and man renew his strength as the eagles, were partially revealed by Mr. Aleister Crowley, at the National Laboratory of Physical Research, at South Kensington, last night.
Mr. Crowley, a member of the mysterious Cult of Adepts, spoke of the 'secret conclaves of Adepts,' and said that this was the first time that the subject had ever been mentioned, except under vows of greatest secrecy.
"I am compelled by the terms of my oath to refrain from any public exposition of the theory and practice of rejuvenation," he said, "but I can at least give my personal testimony to the fact that this process is a living reality of science.
Mr. Crowley described some cases which he said he had seen. "The first was that of a man aged forty. He prepared the elixir from imperfect data at his disposal.
"After seven doses the stuff began to work in the most violent way. He became a rather stupid boy in his teens.
"He began to cut down trees like a madman, putting in fifteen hours a day at it.
"This fantastic burst of energy lasted a couple of months, then a violent reaction set in, and he was more or less ill for half a year.
"But he learned through his mistake, and when he came to try the experiment again he took the proper precautions, and that experiment was a success.
"The other case was that of a woman of just under forty years of age. She was suffering from complete nervous exhaustion and disability. Two doses only of the elixir restored her to more than her normal health and strength and took a good ten years off her apparent age." |