Liverpool, Lancashire, England

6 October 1932

(page 8)







Mr. Justice du Parcq, in the Vacation Court, yesterday, refused the motion by Mr. Edward Alexander Crowley, the author, whose pen-name is Aleister Crowley, living at Abermarle-court, Piccadilly, for an interim injunction to restrain the further sale or publication of a book entitled “Laughing Torso,” written by Nina Hamnett, and printed and published respectively by Messrs. Charles Whittingham and Griggs, Ltd., and Messrs. Constable and Co., Ltd.


The matter came before Mr. Justice Lawrence on September 22nd, when it was stated that Mr. Crowley had reason to complain of certain passages in the book which he considered reflected upon him.


Mr. Justice du Parcq, giving judgment, yesterday, said that in the face of Miss Hamnett’s sworn statement that the words were true he thought it would be wrong to stop the publication of the book at the present time. If the words could be said to constitute an obscene libel there was a way to prevent their further publication. But with that he had nothing to do, and he expressed no opinion. The application for an injunction would be refused. The costs would be costs in the action.