London, England

26 July 1933

(page 16)




Judge Refuses to Stop Publication

of Ethel Mannin Book.



In the Chancery Division yesterday Mr. Justice Farwell re-fused to grant an interim injunction to stop further publication of Miss Ethel Mannin’s book, "Confessions and Impressions."


Mr. Aleister Crowley, the author seeking the injunction against Jarroids, Publishers (London), Ltd., William Brendon and Sons, Ltd., printers, and Mrs. Ethel Edith Porteous (Ethel Mannin), complained of certain passages in the book.


Mr. John W. Morris, for Miss Mannin, said she had filed an affidavit to the effect that Mr. Crowley knew, at the time of publication in 1930, that the book contained an allusion to him. Mr. Crowley denied this.


Mr. Justice Farwell said this was a case in which he could not grant an injunction on the motion.


There would be no order except that the costs be costs in the action in which Mr. Crowley was claiming damages for alleged libel.