THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 2 August 1933 (page 26)
A Poet’s License.
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It was bound to happen. The last world’s fair paved the way for a Chicago literary revival, and this world’s fair will do the same. We hear rumors of a new Chicago publishing company about to start in a modest way. And there are half a dozen other enterprises under foot. Shades of Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, Maxwell Bodenheim, Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson and all the other luminaries who long ago sped away to Broadway or Hollywood, the Midwest millennium, for all we know, may be just around the corner.
And for balance here is a diabolical item concerning the 5,000 term dictionary being compiled by Lew Cope, 2611 West Evergreen avenue, dealing with witchcraft, demonology and occult sciences. If you have anything to offer on Aleister Crowley and his Black Mass activities please get in touch with the compiler.
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