THE EVENING SUN Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. 11 April 1934 (page 2)
“Beast 666” Sues In Black Magic Case.
Aleister Crowley, author, brought a libel suit in the high court today against Miss Nina Hamnett, alleging that passages in her book “Laughing Torso” imputed he practiced black magic. Crowley, testifying, admitted the newspapers had described him as “the worst man in the world and a monster of wickedness.” He said he practised magic by developing his will power, but not “black magic.” He testified he assumed the names “Beast 666,” which he said, according to the apocalypse is the number of the sun, and also “master therion,” meaning “great wild beast.” The prosecution maintained there are two forms of magic, white and black, the former on the side of the angels and the latter on the side of the devil. |