THE DAILY RECORD AND MAIL Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland 14 April 1934 (page 9)
This Morning’s Gossip
Epstein’s Models
Miss Betty May, the “Tiger Woman” of the “Black Magic” libel action.
Miss Betty Mayy, who figured in the “Black Magic” libel action just concluded, was at one time an Epstein [Jacob Epstein] model—I recall that he made several busts of her a number of years ago. It would, by the way, be worth someone’s while to write a book about Epstein’s models; they have included some amazing personalities of whom Betty May, Dolores, and Lilian Shelley, have been, perhaps, the best known.
At The Harlequin
About a dozen years ago, in London, I frequently saw one or other of them either with Epstein at the Café Royal or with some other escort in the old Harlequin Club. They were an exotic crew. If I remember aright, there was a portrait hung on the club walls of Aleister Crowley. |