London, England

21 April 1934

(page 8)


The “Beast” Loses.



Fourteen years ago we said what Mr. Justice Swift said in his summing-up of the case brought by Aleister Crowley, “Beast 666.”


“Never have I heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous, abominable stuff as that produced by a man describing himself as the greatest living poet,” he began.


“I thought I knew every conceivable form of wickedness. I have learned in this case that we can always learn something if we live long enough.”




We congratulate the judge on his outspokenness. Never has there been so scathing an indictment from the Bench. Never has a man been more strongly denounced in these columns than Crowley.


Time and again we have exposed his orgies of black magic; we have described him as “the King of Depravity.”


He was asked in court why he had not taken action against us for these repeated attacks, but he could make only lame excuses.


Britain’s Worst Man


We can divulge that our dossiers about him were placed at the disposal of the lawyers engaged in the defence of the libel case which he brought against the author and publishers of a book and which he so signally lost.


We are glad to have been of assistance, and now we hope that the world will no longer be besmirched by the activities of this loathsome individual.