THE WORLD'S NEWS Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 23 May 1934 (page 20)
A Woman’s Search.
Black magic is practised in the jungles of Africa, and there has even been an attempt by Aleister Crowley in England to become a high priest of some of the dark arts which belong to primitive civilizations.
But there is also white magic—a magic which does not cloud the mind and obscure the senses, and the story of a woman’s search for this magic is told in this week’s “Woman’s Budget.” Don’t fail to read this intriguing story of a strange quest.
The same issue contains many other good things of interest to women—short stories, a thrilling serial, instructions for knitting a nursery thyme quilt and two cardigans, and a provocative article asking which a woman should choose—between love and duty. The free paper pattern is for a frock for the teen-age girl. |