THE EVENING DESPATCH Birmingham, Warwickshire, England 22 June 1934 (page 13)
Charge of Feloniously Receiving Letters
Edward Alexander Crowley, aged 58, described as an explorer, of Upper Montagu-street, London, was charged at Marylebone to-day with feloniously receiving five letters, the property of Betty Sedgwick.
Mr. Edward F. Iwi (prosecuting) said that certain documents, the subject of the charge, were at present in the custody of the Master of the Crown Office. Application would have to be made in the High Court for the documents to be produced. He would, therefore, ask for a remand for a week.
Mr. I. Kerman [Isidore Kerman], for Mr. Crowley, said: “Mr. Crowley has a complete answer to this charge and I agree with the application for the remand for a week.”
The Magistrate: There is another gentleman rather connected with this case.
Det-Sgt. Davidson: Yes, so far I have not been able to trace him, but I have hopes of doing so.
A remand until next Thursday was ordered.
Bail was allowed in the sum of £20. |