THE GLOUCESTER CITIZEN Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England 28 June 1934 (page 7)
Edward Alexander Crowley (58), of Upper Montagu-street, was committed for trial to-day at Marylebone Police Court charged with feloniously receiving five letters, the property of Betty Sedgwick [Betty May].
Mr. E. F. Iwi said that the letters were alleged to have been received between Jun 21, 1933 and April, 1934, from a house in Seymour-street, in which Mrs. Sedgwick was living in June, 1933.
“According to my instructions,” Mr. Iwi added, “these documents were stolen while she was there, and were received by the defendant knowing them to have been stolen.” Last April, when Mrs. Sedgwick was a witness in the case Crowley v. Constable and others certain documents were put to her, and ordered by Mr. Justice Swift to be kept in the Court’s custody.
Mr. Gallop said that Crowley wished it to be understood that he has an absolute explanation.
Crowley pleaded not guilty, and reserved his defence. Bail was allowed. |