THE DUNDEE EVENING TELEGRAPH Dundee, Angus, Scotland 16 July 1934 (page 4)
Lords Justices Scrutton, Greer, and Maugham in the Court of Appeal to-day fixed £100 as security for the costs of an appeal lodged by Mr. Aleister Crowley, the author, against the verdict of a jury in his recent libel action known as the "Black Magic" case.
The alleged libel was contained in a book by Miss Nina Hamnett entitled, "Laughing Torso," in which was a statement that Mr. Crowley had had a temple at Cefalu, Sicily, where he was supposed to have practised "Black Magic."
The action was brought against Messrs. Constable & Co., Ltd., publishers; Charles Whittingham & Griggs, Ltd., printers; and Miss Nina Hamnett, and resulted in a verdict for defendants, the jury stopping the case after a four days' trial before Mr. Justice Swift in the King's Bench Division. It was stated that the costs of the printers and publishers had been taxed at £740. |