Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

25 July 1934

(page 8)




Mr. Crowley Bound Over

on Receiving Charge.



Described as an explorer, aged 58, Edward Alexander Crowley was found guilty, bound over for two years, and ordered to pay the sum not exceeding 50 guineas cost, at the Old Bailey, to-day, on charges of receiving four original letters and one copy said to have been stolen from Mrs. Betty Sedgwick, professionally known as “Betty May,” an artist’s model, of South Hill Park Gardens, Hampstead.


Mr. Melford Stevenson, prosecuting, said that the letters disappeared from Mrs. Sedgwick’s attaché case, and were later produced during the hearing of a libel action in the High Court in which Crowley was the plaintiff.


The letters referred to the payment of certain expenses by a firm of solicitors to Mrs. Sedgwick, who was a witness for the defence in the action. She alleged that a man named Captain Eddie Cruze had stolen the letters from her.


Crowley, in the box, to-day, said that £5 was paid for the letters. He did not at any time suspect that they were stolen.


Judge Whiteley, summing up, said that Crowley had not been previously charged with any criminal offence at all. “So far as that is concerned he comes into this court with a good character,” the Judge added.