THE NORTHERN DAILY MAIL Hartlepool, Durham, England 25 July 1934 (page 8)
Explorer Charged with Receiving Letters.
The hearing of the case for the defence was continued at the Old Bailey to-day, when the trial of Edward Alexander Crowley (58), who was described as an explorer was resumed.
Crowley was charged with receiving four original letters and one copy, said to have been stolen from Mrs. Betty Sedgwick, professionally known as “Betty May,” an artists’ model, of South Hill, Park Gardens, Hampstead.
Mr. Melford Stevenson, prosecuting said that the letters disappeared from Mrs. Sedgwick’s attaché case and were later produced during the hearing of a libel action in the High Court in which Crowley was the plaintiff.
Crowley was found guilty and was bound over for two years and ordered to pay a sum not exceeding 50 guineas towards the costs of the prosecution. |