THE DAILY INDEPENDENT Sheffield, Yorkshire, England 25 July 1934 (page 1)
Man Charged With Receiving.
Edward Alexander Crowley (58), described as an explorer, pleaded “Not Guilty” at the Old Bailey yesterday, to the charge of receiving four original letters and one copy of a letter, alleged to have been stolen from Mrs. Betty Sedgwick, known as “Betty May,” a model.
It was stated that in 1932, Crowley became a plaintiff in an action for damages for libel against some publishers.
Mrs. Sedgwick had given to the solicitors for the defence in that action a certain amount of information about Crowley.
Mrs. Sedgwick had in her possession a number of letters of a personal nature which disappeared.
When she was giving evidence in the action, the letters were produced in court by counsel for Crowley.
It was not known who stole the letters, and it was alleged that the only person who was likely to have any interest in their possession was Crowley.
The trial was adjourned until to-day, Crowley being allowed bail. |