October 1934





We possess an official list of the members of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London (Grand Lodge of England), issued on December 27th, 1913. Membership of the Lodge is limited to 40, but there is attached a "Correspondence Circle" of Lodges and "Brothers" numbering (in 1913) about 3,500. In the list of deceased members appears the name of John Yarker, in the living members, Dr. Wm. Wynn Westcott [William Wynn Westcott], and in the "brethren" of the Circle, Lord Ampthill, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. We remind our readers that John Yarker was also Grand Master of the Rite of Mizraim, which in 1862 was absorbed by the Grand Orient of France, and from a lodge of which the Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion were stolen in 1884; and that Wm. Westcott was associated with Theodore Reuss in the foundation of the Ordo Templi Orientis (see May issue of The Fascist), for which the notorious Aleister Crowley ("Beast 666"), was appointed Grand Master for Great Britain and Ireland. Yet, in the face of such facts, we are told that “English Freemasonry is purely philanthropic and non-political, and has no connection with the Grand Orient.”