THE WESTERN MAIL AND SOUTH WALES NEWS Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales 9 October 1934 (page 13)
Security for Costs Granted to Authoress.
In the Court of Appeal on Monday Lords Justices Greer, Maugham, and Roche granted an application by Miss Nina Hamnett, the authoress, for security of costs in respect of an appeal by Mr. Aleister Crowley, the author, set down i
The action was for alleged libel contained in a book written by Miss Nina Hamnett, “Laughing Torso,” in which it was stated that he had practiced black magic.
Messrs. Constable and Co., Ltd., the publishers, and Messrs. Charles Whittingham and Briggs, the printers, were also joined as defendants to the libel action, which was dismissed.
The printers and publishers recently obtained an order for £100 security for costs, and on Monday the Court ordered that appellant should give Miss Nina Hamnett security to the extent of £25. |