London, England

29 December 1934

(page 3)


Secrets of 'Occult Magic Circle' Ceremonies.






Four active "occult magic circles" are at present operating in London. Each has an initialed membership of thirty or forty men and women.


One of the "circles" is run by a studio in Chelsea and is attended chiefly by artists.


Those facts I was able to establish yesterday from various sources. A number of people told me that they know of the existence of magic circles. But no one would give me any hint as to the identities of members of the circles, nor the exact places where magic ceremonies take place.


There is a simple reason—they were afraid.




A friend of one "practicing magician" did, however, show me one of a series of four books which contain definite proof of the existence of "magic" practices. These books are printed in Paris, are called simply "Magick," and are in the possession of various people in London.


The books do not mention "black" magic, but they give full details for the performance of masses, magic litanies, services, and ceremonial blood sacrifices on an altar.


One book says that "the blood sacrifice is the critical point of the World Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, as Lord of the Æon."


A Gnostic Mass described is conducted by a priest, priestess, deacon, and two children.




In a word to the "student" one of the books gives this warning:—


"The student, if he attains any success in the following practices, will find himself confronted by things too glorious or too dreadful to be described. It is essential that he remain the master of all that he beholds, hears, or conceives; otherwise he will be the slave of illusion and the prey of madness."


An official at a bookshop in Charing Cross-road, where there is a department for books on the occult and magic, said to me yesterday:—

"In the past twenty years two of the assistants in our occult book department have committed suicide. We only allow assistants to stay in that department for three months.

"They read the books in their spare time and in the past few years several have become mentally unbalanced."