Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

26 April 1935

(Part 2, page 7)


Crown City Deb

To Marry Today.



Miss Helen Northrup [Helen Parsons], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ashley Northrup of North Chester avenue, Pasadena, will become the bride of John Whiteside Parsons [Jack Parsons], son of Mrs. Ruth V. Parsons, today at 7 p.m., when Dr. Theodore Soares will perform the service in the Church of the Flowers in Glendale.


Mrs. A. Gordon Oliver (Helen Halburt) of Santa Barbara will assist as matron of honor and Miss Doris Northrup, a sister of the bride-elect, will be maid of honor, Miss Eleanor, another sister, will be bridesmaid. Edward Forman will serve as best man.