THE LOS ANGELES TIMES Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 29 April 1935 (Part 2, page 7)
Pasadenan Married In Church Rite.
Miss Helen Northrup and J. W. Parsons Take Vows.
Friday evening was chosen for the wedding of Miss Helen Northrup [Helen Parsons], daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ashley Northrup of Pasadena, and John Whiteside Parsons [Jack Parsons], son of Mrs. Ruth V. Parsons, when Dr. Theodore Soares of the Neighborhood Church performed the ceremony in the Church of the Flowers in Glendale at 7 o’clock.
The bride wore a gown of white angelskin lace with fingertip tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of gardenias, lilies of the valley and white roses.
Miss Doris Northrup assisted her sister as maid of honor in a gown of pink angelskin lace and carried Talisman roses. Other attendants were Miss Eleanor Northrup, another sister of the bride, and Mrs. A. Gordon Oliver (Helen Halburt) of Santa Barbara. Edward Forman served as best man and Robert Pelzel of Los Angeles and Gregory E. Lawrence of Pasadena ushered.
Two hundred and fifty attended the ceremony and reception which followed at the home of the bride’s parents.
The bride is a graduate of Pasadena Junior College. Mr. Parsons attended the University of Southern California.
After May 15, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons will reside at 620 St. John avenue, Pasadena. |