The Fascist
London, England
May 1935
(page 1)
Amazing Exposures of Mosley's
General Fuller Initiated into
Aleister Crowley's (Beast 666)
Occult Group
Control of Kosher Fascists
Major General
J.F.C. Fuller, who writes the only 'anti-semitic'
article in Moseley's Fascist Quarterly, is now known
to have been initiated into the Probationer Degree (for
which an oath is necessary) of the "A.A." (Atlantean
Adepts), an occult society whose nominal head, at the time
of his initiation, was the notorious Aleister Crowley.
In Fuller's book,
The Star in the West, appear the following remarks,
under the heading—"CROWLEYANITY."
"God will permit a discovery of the
highest importance to be made, it must be hidden till
the advent of the artist Elias. Thus prognosticated
Paracelsus, and further that divine philosopher
predicted: And it is true there is nothing concealed
which shall not be discovered: for which cause a
marvellous being shall come after me, who as yet lives
not and who shall reveal many things.
"And I for one take it that the
prophecy has been fulfilled. Aleister Crowley is the
Artist Elias, the marvellous being whom God has
permitted to make a discovery of the highest importance
in his illuminative philosophy of Crowleyanity, in
the dazzling and flashing light of which there is
nothing concealed which shall not be discovered. . . .
"It has taken 100,000,000 years to
produce Aleister Crowley. The world has indeed laboured,
and has at last brought forth a man. . . .
"And as the doctrine taught by
Jesus Christ became known as Christianity, so let this
theurgy, as expounded by this marvellous being, be known
as Crowleyanity; or in other words, according to the
mind of the reader, Pyrrhonic Zoroastrianism, Pyrrhonic
Mysticism, Sceptical Transcendentalism, Sceptical
Illuminism or what you will; for in short it is the
conscious communion with God on the part of an Atheist.
. . .
(The heavy type used above is our own.)
However, Fuller seems to have
quarrelled with Crowley, for in the
Equinox, October, 1913 (Crowley's paper), there
appeared the following announcement:—
"The Chancellor of the A.A. wishes
to warn readers of the Equinox against accepting
instruction in his name from an ex-probationer, Captain
F. F. C. Fuller, whose motto was Per Ardua."
Previous to this (September, 1910),
Fuller had written an article jointly with one
George Raffalovich (a Jew) in The Equinox,
entitled 'The
Eyes of St. Ljubov.'
Fuller's latest book on Yoga
(1933), refers to "two great Western occultists, Abramelin
the Mage and
Eliphas Levi."
The Fascist has always warned
its readers against Jew-controlled "Bastard Fascist"
movements, designed to bring Fascism into disrepute, and
furnished with heavy funds from anonymous sources. We should
like to know how many more of Mosley's officials have been,
or are, members of secret Jewish occult societies. For
Crowley's link with Judaeo-Freemasonry, see our pamphlet
"Freemasonry" p.p. 11 and 16.
Aleister Crowley
In case any or our readers have
forgotten the nature of Aleister Crowley, we reprint a few
extracts from
Light Bearers of Darkness, by 'Inquire Within.'
". . . In 1905 Crowley went to
India . . . In November of that year he was in Calcutta,
and his night-prowling in the bazaars ended in such
serious trouble that he, his wife, and young child left
precipitately . . . In 1922, we hear of him in his
'Abbey' at Cefalu, Sicily, to which, according to the
Sunday Express, . . . he enticed a brilliant
university man of 22 and his young wife, and there,
after going through unspeakable horrors, the young man
died . . . Crowley was cleared out of Sicily by the
Italian Government . . . and only recently (April 1929)
was he asked to leave France on the score of his immoral
cults and practices."