
13 May 1935

(page 9)


Blackshirt Jubilee Editorial.




(From Palestine Telegraphic Agency)



LONDON, May 3.—The "Blackshirt," official organ of the British Union of Fascists, in its editorial on the Jubilee, complains that the sincere, necessary, and supremely merited tribute which their people will pay to the King and Queen is marred by certain professions of loyalty to which there is no corresponding practice, and cites in this connection "shaking the bloody hands of leering Orientals who still gloat over their atrocious massacre of the entire Royal Family of Russia," the "hypocrisy of International Finance," and "vile publications of degenerates whose Communism is almost a euphemism for the poison of Moscow and the Ghetto."


"Jew-Controlled Fascists"


The "Fascist," organ of Racial Fascism, published by the Imperial Fascist League, publishes at the same time a furious attack on the Mosley Fascists, calling them in a headline "Kosher Fascists."


"The Fascist," it writes, "has always warned its readers against Jew-controlled "Bastard Fascist" movements, designed to bring Fascism into disrepute, and furnished with heavy funds from anonymous sources."


It accuses Major-General Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller], "who writes the only anti-Semitic article in Mosley's 'Fascist Quarterly,' "of belonging to an occult society headed by the notorious Aleister Crowley, which, for some reason, it describes as a "secret Jewish occult society" and asks "how many more of Mosley's officials have been or are members of Jewish occult societies."


England's loyalty, it declares, can only spring from the bond of "Aryan" Blood.


"Our Aryan loyalty is to His Majesty and to no Judaeo-masonic Government."