THE VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 30 September 1936 (page 28)
Annual Folk-Craft Exhibition to Have Unusual Displays.
Rare inlaid work, engravings, and altar missal and silver, all fine examples of ancient Flemish art, will form one of the unusual displays at the fourth annual folk-craft festival in Hotel Vancouver from October 14 to 17. These will be loaned from the family collection of Charles Stansfeld Jones of Deep Water, B.B.
The inlaid work is a mediaeval panel, depicting the Nativity and the Adoration of the Shepherds, all figures being inlaid in vari-colored woods. This panel, now made into a screen, once graced the chancel of a cathedral in Antwerp.
An original engraving by Lucas Vorsterman of Antwerp, A.D. 1620, is after the celebrated painting, “The Adoration of the Magi,” by Peter Paul Rubens, over the high altar in the Church of St. John, Mechlin. The original design, painted by Rubens, from which the chief portion of the subject was taken, was in the possession of Mr. George Stansfeld Marshall, grandfather of Mr. Stansfeld-Jones, but was destroyed by fire in the Marshall London residence some forty years ago.
Mr. Stansfeld-Jones inherited two copies of this engraving, now more than 300 years old, one of which was presented to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Vancouver, in 1930. The second will be exhibited at the festival, accompanied by the companion picture, also engraved by Vorsterman, representing Rubens’ “Adoration of the Shepherds.”
An old altar missal, in red and black, used for many years by the Servite Fathers in their church at Bognor Regis, Sussex, will be displayed. It was presented by the prior, Father A. Hislop, O.S.M., as a gift to Mr. Stansfeld-Jones.
A unique Dutch silver spoon will be an attraction. Made by “M. Hammer,” it is of curious shape, having a short handle, representing St. Christopher carrying the infant Christ, and a pear-shaped bowl.
The spoon is undoubtedly ecclesiastical, but for what purpose it was designed is somewhat of a mystery. |