Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

13 October 1936

(page 8)


Directors of Festival in Which

1000 Are Taking Part.


Folk-Craft Festival committee (left to right): Baron von Wittgenstein,

Mr. C. Stansfeld-Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Miss Grace Hallam, Mrs. E.R. Sugarman,

Mrs. John T. McCay, Mrs. Angus Paterson. Mr. Robert Bergklint, Mr. Wolfe Swangard.



As interesting and varied in their own backgrounds as are the forty national groups they direct in Vancouver’s fourth annual Folk-Craft Festival, are members of the festival committee. Mrs. McCay, the director and founder of the festival idea, comes of United Empire Loyalist stock, while Horst Erich, Baron von Wittgenstein von Sayn-Hohenstein-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, to give him his full title, has been treasurer of the festival since its inception. Mrs. E.R. Sugarman, for three years director of the Festival’s Jewish section, is convening the Educational Features Committee this year, while to his duties as secretary, Mr. Robert Bergklint contributes the experience of an academic training in Sweden. Mr. Charles Stansfeld Jones, artist and author, comes from London and is in charge of the festival publicity, assisted by Miss Grace Hallam, well-known in artistic and literary fields here. It is natural that the Folk Festival should attract the interest of Mrs. Angus Paterson, who acts as assistant secretary, for she has spent practically all her life in the Orient, in India, Burma, the Malay States and also in England and France. Mr. Wolfe Swangard, in charge of program advertising, comes to Canada by way of Munich and the Orient, taking his M.A. degree at the University of B.C.


Festival dates are Oct. 14 to 17, inclusive, in the Hotel Vancouver.