Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England

16 December 1938

(page 14)




From Ancient Britons to Machine Age.



The end-of-term concert was given by children of Walton Council school last night and will be repeated at 7.30 to-night.


Four plays and a set of dances were presented and the children showed a high degree of artistic attainment. The staff, under the Headmaster (Mr. J.G. Avery), and the Parents’ Association, can be gratified at the result of their weeks of work.


All the costumes have been made by women members of the staff, assisted by the Parents’ Association, and the men members of the staff erected the stage. A system of coloured footlights was installed by Mr. F.I. Judd, and Mr. R.E. Croom was in charge of the make-up.




The most ambitious of the plays was “The Machine Age,” produced by Mr. A.E. Sutton, and acted by members of Class I. It consisted of spoken extracts from the works of Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Tennyson, John Masefield, Alistair [sic] Crowley and Sir Ronald Ross, with a musical background of movements from Moesolow’s “Steel Foundry” and Meytuss’ “Dneiner Water Power Station,” played on gramophone records. This piece of work was remarkably well done.