THE LOS ANGELES TIMES Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 28 February 1939 (page 2)
Here is a photograph of Anya Sosoyeva, slain dancer, and an unidentified youth police found as they hunted for clues among the effects of the murdered woman.
Explaining that the activities of the Los Angeles City College on Friday nights are not part of the regular school program, Howard A. Campion, assistant superintendent in charge of adult and vocational education, last night explained conditions on the campus on the night that Anya Sosoyeva was slain to the Board of Education.
Campion said that the board does not maintain a regular evening school at the college and that the activities are operated by the Emergency Education Program, a division of the Works Progress Administration.
"On the night Miss Sosoyeva was killed," Campion said, "the campus was lighted, as is customary on Friday nights. Lights surrounding the other buildings were not lit because they were not in use."
He explained that Friday nights the drama class has a special permit to use the auditorium as the E.E.P. does not hold classes.
The watchman on duty on the night of the girl's death was Theodore Roeder, Campion said, who made his rounds at 4, 6, 9, and 10:30 p.m. At the time Miss Sosoyeva was struck Roeder was at the north end of the campus when a passer-by told him something had happened near the Administration Building.
The official said that the bushes near where the girl was struck down are being thinned out, and that if any formal complaint against the Purple Cult is made an investigation will follow. |