London, England

20 April 1939

(page 6)


These Names Make News.




All proper obsequious Nazis will by today have bought some such souvenir of Hitler's birthday as the card reproduced herewith.


It glorifies Nazism's various conquests, including Memel.


Card is an ordinary shiny one. Stamp in the middle costs 10d. Card is sold for 5/-.


One of the only two Britons invited to Hitler's birthday do, Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, has one interest unusual in a military man: he is a keen student of occultism.


He has written a book about the cabbala; was at one time a fervent disciple of mountaineer-magician Aleister Crowley.


His admiration of Crowley was expressed in a book called "Star of the West." In it he wrote—


Aleister Crowley is . . . the marvelous being whom God has permitted to make a discovery of the highest importance in his illuminative philosophy. . . . It has taken 100,000,000 years to produce Aleister Crowley. The world has indeed labored, and has at last brought forth a man.


Since then, Fuller has become one of Mosley's Fascist parliamentary candidates.