Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

8 September 1940

(page 35)


Seabrook Comes Forth With

Absorbing Story Of Modern Witchcraft.



A fascinating eye-opener on the literary shelf is William Seabrook'sWitchcraft: Its Power in the World Today,” in which the ever-candid author, explorer, traveler and experimenter gives his report on modern sorcery.


From the Ivory Coast to Washington Square, Mr. Seabrook has ranged, collecting material on the devilish doings of witches, white and black. He has always been interested in the subject and now, with a crowded pack of experiences to draw from, he lets go in full spate of enthusiasm to give the “low-down” on sorcerers, incantations, vampires, werewolves, satanists, devil worshipers, mental telepathy, hex killings, modern Cagliostros pentagrams and dervish dangling—among other things. And his purpose is to prove, in so far as he is able, that none of such goings on are supernatural.


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. . . He also presents some highly colorful sketches of several of our contemporary men of magic such as Gurdjieff [George Gurdjieff], Aleister Crowley, Istaja and Pierre Bernard.


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