THE CALGARY HERALD Calgary, Alberta, Canada 5 June 1941 (page 9)
Art Gallery Is Point of Interest.
The Vancouver Art Gallery has much to offer the visitor from the prairies, whose opportunities to witness fine art displays are fairly restricted. The Art Gallery has an interesting program for the month of June, including the annual exhibition of the B.C. Society of Fine Arts, and a display of cartoons by Jack Boothe, which will continue until the end of the month.
The second annual international Vancouver Salon of Pictorial Photography will be among the interesting shows this month. An unusual exhibition will be held by two painters, father and son, James H.O. Amess and Fred Amess, the latter winner of the Malkin silver medal for the most meritorious picture in the last exhibition.
Paul Goranson will exhibit prints and C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] of Deep Cove will display paintings.
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