Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

1 November 1941

(page 4)


What Is Your Opinion?


Art Society.



Editor, The Sun: Sir,—You have rendered a real service in informing those who were not aware of the fact that there is such an organization as the Society for Sanity in Art, Inc.


This society was incorporated to further rationalism in painting, sculpture and allied fields, and to encourage the teaching of saneness as a constituent element of creative endeavor.


The trend towards “insane” art in Vancouver is mild in comparison with some other cities, and it probably only needs to be pointed out—as it has been to the Art Gallery authorities—for it to be so far as possible corrected.


I could wish that the Vancouver Art Gallery Association would come out openly in support of the principles which will insure that young artists are educated to uphold the best standards of art and avoid the merely freakish and fantastic. We do have to “live” with pictures, you know, if they are ever sold, and to live with a bad picture is poisonous to the better taste.


I might say that in addition to the places you mention where sanity in art exhibitions have been held with so much success there are branches in Seattle, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Kalamazoo, Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester which are planning local exhibitions.


I should like to see Vancouver represented with the full support of the Vancouver Art Gallery.


C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], S.S.A.