THE VANCOUVER SUN Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 3 November 1941 (page 4)
What Is Your Opinion?
Medal Award.
Editor, The Sun: Sir,—The picture “Still Life with Cassaba Melon” to which the Stone Medal award was given was stated to be the best and later the most outstanding oil painting in the recent exhibition of work by British Columbia artists.
If it were thus outstanding how is it that in their first reviews of the exhibition neither the critics of The Sun nor News-Herald noticed it sufficiently to give it mention?
The one burst of extravagant praise came from the anonymous critic “Palette”—in whose hands, it would seem, the fate of our artists seems to be allowed to rest.
For all we know he may also be the “jury of selection” and the anonymous patron who purchased the picture at the last moment.
C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], S.S.A. |