THE VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 3 March 1942 (page 4)
A.R.P.s Efficiency.
Sir: Your correspondent A.H.K. should be made to realize that whatever their faults, A.R.P. [Air Raid Precautions] wardens are citizens and friendly neighbors, a little more far-sighted, a little more public-minded and a little more considerate that those who sit at home awaiting free service from the man next door.
Supposing A.H.K.s warden (our warden as he calls him) was unable to return immediately to obtain the data on a document he had taken the trouble to deliver for the good of A.H.K. and his family, while he might have been enjoying his own dinner.
Would it have been too much to expect A.H.K. to return the document and information to his warden instead of holding it a couple of weeks and then grouching to the newspapers about inefficient service?
C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] Deep Cove |