THE VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 19 October 1944 (page 4)
Art Gallery.
Sir: This year many worthy B.C. artists have been badly treated. They were informed in writing by the curator that their work had been rejected from the current exhibition on the sole ground of lack of space at the Vancouver Art Gallery—not on account of lack of merit.
This ground for rejection is false and unfair.
You, as a prominent member of the Vancouver Art Gallery Association, doubtless have visited the annual exhibition. You can see for yourself that the walls are half bare—only a single line of paintings occupies the two main halls of the gallery.
There is ample space to have shown with greater effect, twice the number of pictures hung. But you may not previously have been made aware that worthy work was excluded on the ground of insufficient space being available.
In view of the facts, if you agree that some injustice appears to have been done, would you be good enough to express your opinion to the Art Gallery authorities, and to ask them who is responsible for treating some worthy B.C. artists in this manner.
C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] Deep Cove, B.C. |