THE VANCOUVER SUN Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 15 November 1944 (page 4)
What Is Your Opinion?
Art Gallery Criticism.
Editor, The Sun: Sir,—Considerable correspondence has appeared in the press relative to the administration of the Vancouver Art Gallery. There are important points at issue and I am very glad they should see the light of day.
The way to achieve desirable ends is by being as open and straightforward as possible. One of the chief complaints against the Gallery in past years was the anonymity of the so-called jury. This year the names of what turns out to be merely a “jury of selection” were announced. That was a step forward. It was not made clear, however, in the press that Mr. Charles Scott was the sole judge so far as award of prizes was concerned—as now appears in Art Gallery Bulletin. The public might as well, I think, be made aware of this.
My chief point, however, is to suggest that whatever one’s views there should be no further anonymity in this matter. Three of your correspondents have used the names “Non-Exhibitor,” “Kit” and “Rebel Artist.” Might I beg of these, and others, to follow the example of Dr. Daniel McLellan and Mrs. Pearse in backing their convictions with their own names? Only thus, I feel, shall we obtain the better conditions in art circles which all desire.
C. Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Charter Member, Vancouver Art Gallery Association |