Hastings, Sussex, England

28 April 1945

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HASTINGS 1:          ASHFORD 1



Match played on Wednesday last week at the Hastings Club against the Ashford team of six. The home side was rather stronger than it need have been and Hastings won rather easily by 4 1/2 - 1 1/2. Score (Hastings names first):—W. H. Kirk 1, P.V. Hill 0; E. G. Taylor 0, C. J. Stapley 1; A. D. Barlow 1, K. B. Whittaker 0; G. E. Anslow 1/2; W. R. Briscall 1/2; E. A. Crowley 1, H. J. Owen 0; T. Medley 1, Mrs. Briscall 0. Mr. Taylor missed a forced draw by perpetual check in the last few moves of his game, and Mr. Anslow’s game was adjudicated drawn, though he had the best of it: but there was a slight doubt about it. His opponent must have played very well to have brought about the position he did.





The match at the Hastings club last Saturday afternoon was well contested and enjoyable, and was witnessed by a good number of onlookers. The clubs had met twice before this season at Bexhill the first match being won by Bexhill by 6 1/2—3 1/2, and the second by Hastings with 7—3, so this was a decider. The home side proved winners but their visitors had the satisfaction of winning 3 1/2 games out of the first five.


Score (Hastings names first): G. M. Norman 1, E. M. Jackson 0; W. H. Kirk 0, F. W. Boff 1; A. J. Mackenzie 1/2, E. W. Osler 1/2; H. J. Stephenson 0, C. Hammond 1; J.A. Watt 0, D. A. Hamilton 1; E. G. Taylor 1, F. P. Hankins 0; E. A. Crowley 1, W. J. Benge 0; A. D. Barlow 1/2, J. A. Dewhirst 1/2; F. A. Herringshaw 1, Lt-Col R. F. Bond 0; . . .