MYSTERIES OF THE ROSIE CROSS London, England 1947 (Reprint of 1891 edition)
He, who has taken it upon himself to re-issue ROSY CROSS again at this time, after a lapse of fifty-six years, counts it a single honour to dedicate the effect of his small labours to those Brothers in many lands, of varied hue, diverse creed and of either sex, who—outside of time—live only to give effect to their work in L.V.X. He would also apologise for having taken the liberty to associate himself with another’s work, especially so as the Author of the original volume published in 1891, chose to remain anonymous. . . .
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We have taken the liberty of adding to the contents of the original book, more particularly for the benefit and instruction of those whose hands are even now reaching out for it, and who have in some manner merited its possession, and who aspire to so live that they may be brought under the guidance of this Rosicrucian Brotherhood—if such there be,--two short essays which cannot fail to act as a signpost and point the way, thus enabling the sincere student to easier find that which he seeks. These are entitled ‘The Secret Signs of the Rosicrucians,’ and ‘Axiomata Hermetica.’ The first tells how to recognize a Brother and shows how simple it is to become one, while the latter deals with the science of Alchemy, with which we are told, this remarkable Fraternity were mainly concerned. It should be remembered, and it has always been emphasized, that there is nothing difficult of accomplishment or requiring outstanding or unusual mental ability, that need hinder one in the consummation of the Magnum Opus. Has not the Master said ‘Unless ye become like unto little children, ye can in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven.’ Some there are to whom it is given to see a little further into the vast and mysterious reaches back of the Veil, and it is to these few, who from time to time will whilst reading these pages, catch a glimpse of the over-shadowing bird, and in doing so, will like Parsifal exclaim ‘I scarcely move, yet swiftly seem to run,’ that these our efforts are directed. Words have never been found—nor will ever be,—to express the feeling one experiences when the Light dawns and that which was before obscure, becomes clear and lucid. One is, as it were, lifted up, raised, transported to another plane, leaving behind a dead shell. Frater Perdurabo has written: ‘At last I lifted up mine eyes, and beheld; and lo! The flames of violet were become as tendrils of smoke, as mist at sunset upon the marsh-lands. And in the midst of the moon-pool of Silver was the Lily of White and of Gold. In this Lily is all perfume; in this Lily is all music. And it enfoldeth me.’ Twenty-three years ago, one who calls himself Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], issued from the Collegium as Spiritum Sanctum, an essay being an admonition to an Adeptus Minor of the RR et AC entitled ‘De Mysteriis Rosae Rubae & Aureae Crucis.’
For those who have sought and have now found, it is our happy privilege to quote them a paragraph from this essay, in the hope that one or two may recognize a voice that all have heard but few have heeded:
‘Dost thou remember how, touching with the Wand the Rose and Cross upon the breast of the form in the Pastos, thou wert prompted to say “Out of the darkness let the Light arise?” And how a voice from the still figure within, replied “Buried with that Light in a mystical death, rising again in a mystical resurrection. Cleansed and Purified through Him our MASTER, O Brother of the Cross of the Rose! Like Him, O Adepts of all ages, have ye toiled; like Him have ye suffered Tribulation, Poverty, Torture and Death have ye passed through. They have been but the purification of the Gold. In the Alembic of thine Heart, Through the Athanor of Affliction, Seek thou the true Stone of the Wise.’
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