THE NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD AND MINERS' ADVOCATE Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia 5 December 1947 (page 1)
Doctor Dies Soon After Man Who Cursed Him.
"Herald" Service
LONDON, Dec. 4.—Dr. William Brown Thomson, 68, who used to prescribe morphia tablets for the black magician, Alister [sic] Crowley, died within 24 hours of his patient, it was disclosed to-day.
Police found Dr. Thomson dead in a bath at his Mayfair flat on Tuesday night. Crowley died at Hastings on Monday.
Dr. Thomson was Crowley's physician for 10 years and, until three years ago, got morphia for Crowley, when the supply was stopped. Crowley then put a curse on the doctor—but Scotland Yard is sure both men died of natural causes. |