Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

2 April 1948

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Protest at what was described as “a debased ritual” at Brighton Corporation’s crematorium a few months ago, when Aleister Crowley, the self-styled “Great Wild Beast,” was cremated, was voiced at yesterday’s meeting of Brighton Town Council by Coun. J. C. Sherrott.


“I read that the whole ritual of black magic was practiced at the cremation, and I hope the Corporation will do something to prevent a repetition,” he said.


Coun. T. P. Cullen said Crowley was “one of what I believe is a largely growing group of devil worshippers in this country.”


He urged that the Parks Committee should make sure in the future that cremations are conducted only with one of the orthodox services recognized by the community.


The chairman of the committee, Coun. H. J. Robbins, promised to place the matter before the Cremation Council of Great Britain conference at Cheltenham on 24 and 25 June next.


Aleister Crowley died on 1 December last, aged 72. During his life he had been accused of black magic, of celebrating the Black Mass, of raising devils, of obscene rituals, and of drug-taking.


He was cremated at Brighton in the presence of some of his followers. Extracts from “Hymn to Pan,” “Collects from the Gnostic Mass” (his own works), and the “Book of the Law” were recited.