THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 3 April 1948 (Page 3)
Black Masses Are Now Banned In Brighton.
LONDON, April 2.—The Brighton Corporation's Crematorium last December was the scene of a "debased ritual" performed by 20 people sworn to secrecy, members of the local council believe.
The council met yesterday to discuss stories which had leaked out about the cremation of Edward Alexander Crowley, who during his life had been accused of practicing black magic, celebrating the black mass and obscene rites, raising devils, making himself invisible, and taking drugs.
He called himself "the great wild beast" and "the worst man in the world."
The cremation ceremony, said one councilor, included a Hymn to Pan, Collects from the Gnostic Mass, and readings from Crowley's own book, "Book of the Law," which, he claimed, a spirit dictated to him.
"Whether agnostic, atheist, or Christian, we don't like to see consecrated ground so desecrated," said a councillor.
The council agreed that future cremations should be accompanied by one of the orthodox services. |