THE LOS ANGELES MIRROR Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 20 April 1953
Pasadena Cult Widow’s Amulet Fails in Raid.
The widow of the asserted high priest of a weird Pasadena cult was due to appear in Pasadena Municipal Court this afternoon on a charge of violating the city’s rooming house ordinance.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cameron Parsons [Majorie Cameron] was clad in pajamas and an amulet when she was picked up with Leroy C. Booth, 28, by vice squad officers in Booth’s home at 958 Worcester St. early Saturday, police said.
Mrs. Parson’s husband, John W. Parsons [Jack Parsons], a pioneer in rocket and jet propulsion development, was killed in a mysterious blast which rocked the fashionable Orange Grove district 10 months ago.
Parsons was identified at that time as the one-time high priest of the Church of Thelema, and there was evidence at the time of his death that some sort of cult still was operating in the old coach house where Parsons made his residence.
Mrs. Parsons gave police the same address—1071 S Orange Grove Ave.—when she and Booth were jailed.
She flatly refused to give up the amulet which hung around her neck when she was booked, and put up such resistance it was necessary to handcuff her. Matron Josephine Kehoe was kicked and bitten during the melee.
The amulet was found to contain a six-inch piece of string with nine knots tied in it, a small piece of dark blue felt cut in a circular manner, two pieces of metal, one seed, a small piece of quartz, a deep blue stone, and a phonograph needle.
‘She refused to reveal the significance of the “good luck” piece.
Free on Bail
Both Mrs. Parsons and Booth were released on $50 bail for court appearance today.
Lt. Harold Thomas, head of the vice squad, said he had directed his men to the home to shake it down for narcotics. Booth and Jo Anne Price, 30, a buxom blonde identified as the prospective high priestess of the cult, were arrested at the address several months ago on narcotics charges that later were dismissed.
Officers Frank Repetti and D. C. Newland, who made the raid, said Mrs. Parsons had taken her German shepherd dog and a bird cage containing two birds to the Booth residence and she carted them off to jail. |