London, England

21 December 1958

(page 3)


‘I know Black Magic exists’






Black magic is much more widespread than most people imagine, said Dennis Wheatley, who has written many books about devil worship, yesterday.


He was commenting on the statement by author Leslie Roberts that a baby had been sacrificed in black magic rites near Brighton.


This was investigated by the police, who could find no evidence of it.


Mr. Wheatley went on: “I learned about these evil rites from such men as the late Aleister Crowley, Montague Summers and Rollo Ahmed, all of whom were evil practitioners.


“My chief source of information is the thousands of letters which reach me from all over the world each time a book of mine on the subject is published.


“Many come from responsible people—clergymen, doctors and lawyers—and there is no reason to disbelieve them.”


Mr. Wheatley told me about a letter he received recently from a butler at a big house in the Eastern Counties.




“He described how once a month, well-dressed men and women arrived in cars. All the women wore the red, high-heeled shoes of the cult, and strange masks.


“The butler broke into the cellars and found black candles, altar, and symbols of a black magic cult.


“There have been covens, or black magic cults, in Baywater, Earls Court, and the West Country, and there is one in the Birmingham area,” he said.


“Crooks have been using phoney black magic ritual for blackmail purposes.”


On big festivals, he said, a blood sacrifice is made. Sometimes a black mass is performed as a rejection of the powers of good.