THE PROVINCE Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 21 February 1959 (page 43)
Here’s Magic For Sale And A New Way of Life.
Have you ever attended a black mass?
Probably not, because it is apparently both shocking and highly illegal. And yet there is a possibility that—if you knew the right (wrong?) people—you could witness devil worship right here in Vancouver. You might even be able, indirectly, to worship His Satanic Majesty yourself.
How can one know of this? Well, Peter Burton, a youthful Australian, from Melbourne, who runs one of the more unusual book shops, on Robson Street, receives regular requests for books on Black Magic and Witchcraft, which are the basis of the Black Mass, blasphemously symbolized by the inverted cross.
There have been diabolical observances in most Western cities, including London. It was there that strange, eccentric alpinist, deviationist, devil worshiper and literary man, the late Aleister Crowley (The Great Beast) conducted a full-scale Black Mass, and later boasted about it in print
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