Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Annie Horniman
3 December 1896.
Cara et V.H. Soror Fortiter et Recte,
In my letter to you in answer to your reply to my Manifesto, I insisted upon your complete and absolute submission to my authority as regards the management as well as the teaching of both the First and Second Orders. You have now had more than sufficient time to send me this. Not only have you not done so, but in your letter to V.N.R. [Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum—Moina Mathers] you again tax me with injustice. I do not care one atom what you think, but I refuse absolutely to permit open criticism of, or argument concerning my actions in either Order, from you or any other Member. The attitude you have chosen to take leaves me no other alternative than (however unwillingly) to remove your name from the Roll of the Order; for I will not continue to teach one who persistently opposes my authority, and endeavours to influence others to do so. I could not consider that the person whom I saw shuffling her feet and crying in a hysterical attack in the Musée Guimet because the style of Indian An affected her nerves unpleasantly—and who on recovering from this attack made V.N.R. and myself solemnly promise not only to warn but to check her in any and every way, no matter how, if at any future time we thought she was beginning to show any trace of development of hereditary mania—such a person, I say, would be utterly unfit to correct me in the extremely complex administration of such an Order as the Rosicrucian. This promise of checking you, V.N .R. and I have fulfilled. I do not say that I consider you insane; but the intense arrogance, narrowness of judgment, and self-conceit you have displayed during the past twelve months (and which I saw two years ago, and tried all in my power to check gently then), are, as any physician will tell you, the beginnings, believe me, which lead to such a result.
As regards your conduct to me and V.N.R. personally, I consider it abominable.
It is useless your thinking to raise up fresh dissensions against me, for I have received thorough and complete submission from S.A. [Sapere Aude—William Wynn Westcott], L.O. [Levavi Oculos—Percy W. Bullock], S.S.D.D. [Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data—Florence Farr], Resurgam [Edward Berridge], A.P.S. [Anima Pura Sit—Henry Pullen Burry], Vigilate [Helen Rand], Non Sine Numine [James Webber Smith], Sub Spe [J.W. Brodie-Innes] and Shemeber [Pamela Carden Bullock].
I now therefore take leave of you, with much regret, as one whom V.N R. and myself at one time both sincerely loved and esteemed; and whom also we regarded as a true and faithful friend, until recent events had shewn us to the contrary.
Fraternally, Deo Duce Comite Ferro, 7°=4°