Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Edward Berridge
13 May 1897.
I have received from V.H. [Very Honoured] Fra[ter] "Cavendo Tutus" [H.C. Morris] a copy of your pamphlet, v[iz]. "The Man, the Seer, etc."—on page 11 is a printed note to the latter part of which I take serious exception, & it is aggravated by your having yourself marked the same, & pointed by the addition of a jeering verse against F.E.R. [Fortiter Et Recte—Annie Horniman] in your handwriting. The whole spirit of it is opposed to the sentiments inculcated in our Second Order Teaching; & naturally I cannot allow this to pass unnoticed, your conduct herein being a most pernicious example to younger members of the Order. Charity & forbearance, should alike have sealed your lips. It was a regretful necessity to remove Fortiter's name from the roll of the Order; but this does in no sense warrant triumphant jeering over her in disgrace.
I have no choice therefore but to suspend you from the First & Second Orders for a period of 3 months which will expire on the 13th August, & I trust sincerely that you will not err again.
From what I have previously known of you, I should not have expected you to rejoice over the fall of a Frater or Soror.